How To Budget For Unexpected Home Expenses After Buying
Most people don’t think about home maintenance until it’s too late, but if you want to keep your investment valuable and cut down on unexpected maintenance costs, the smartest thing you can do is take care of your house proactively. To learn all about it, visit
Inspecting your home regularly is easy if you keep a maintenance checklist handy. Anything that isn’t in good working order gets checked off, and you can order replacement parts or schedule major repairs on the spot.
Here are ways to budget for unexpected home expenses after buying:
Estimate the cost of maintenance
This can be as simple as jotting down the cost for typical repairs and upkeep, or it can be more involved. If you’re not sure how much a part will cost, call the manufacturer or place an order.
Factor in repairs and maintenance costs that are impossible to estimate
If you’re not completely sure of when the washing machine needs to be replaced, it’s best to assume that it’s going to need repairing soon and budget for it in your housekeeping funds. Explore further at
Calculate the cost of emergencies
If your car breaks down, phone call costs money. If you break your ankle skiing, your medical insurance covers the cost of a hospital stay. When you’re looking for ways to budget for unexpected home expenses after buying and have estimated the cost of repairs and maintenance, prepare yourself to cover the cost of emergencies elsewhere. Your budget is still flexible enough to accommodate a little bit of extra spending.
Know what extra work means in monetary terms
This is where it can get tricky if you’re not familiar with how much work went into buying and maintaining a property. The cost of rebuilding a concrete patio is probably higher than the cost of repairing one that was built in the same way, but isn’t hard to replace. The same can be said for showers, furnace filters, or HVAC systems. If you’re unsure of what the extra fee means in terms of money, check online and learn a little bit about how much work went into building your home.
Factor in the cost of a home warranty
If you’re confident in their work and would never have to use it, go ahead and pay the contract fee. However, if there’s a chance you might need it later, consider putting money into a home warranty plan. There are many warrantees available that cover everything from roofing to HVAC systems.